Unity in Worship

Unity in Worship


When the Spirit of God descended at Pentecost, the book of Acts chapter 2 shows us that the disciples were “all together in one accord”. This actually means they were of one mind and purpose. Also, when the singers and musicians joined “as one”, at the temple’s dedication in 2 Chronicles 5, the cloud of God’s glory filled the temple so powerfully no one could stand. From these scriptural events we find another lesson for us about worship, and it is regarding unity and unforgiveness.

Unity is a vital ingredient to the habitation of God’s Spirit in a corporate worship meeting, family home or team situation. Jesus made it quite clear, that if we have something against our brother or sister, we should deal with that first before bringing our offerings to God. Clean and loving relationships, gathered around united purposes, are important if we desire the manifestation of God’s glory in our churches and homes.

I recently heard a wonderful Anglican bishop teaching on worship, who spoke of a truth that revolutionised my thinking about worship. He said that we never really worship “alone”. That there is no such thing as “personal worship”. Why? Because we always join with the glorious church of God when we worship, and that Church knows no geographical boundaries, as she always worships “in the spirit” and not in the restrictions of geography or flesh.

Whenever we worship, even if we are alone in our home, we are actually joining with millions of worshippers around the world, and countless angelic beings in the heavenlies, gathered around the wondrous throne of God, to offer praise, thanks and our whole lives to him in adoration.

So as you worship, remember you are part of a “whole”. When we come in worship, there is some sense in which we lose our individuality, to join with the family of God in heaven and on earth, to worship at his footstool. Make sure, as you approach his throne, that you love and support the family you worship alongside, or else you may grieve the heart of God.

An extract from Jarrod Cooper’s book “Glory in the Church”


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