The Promise of Eternal Leaf!

The Promise of Eternal Leaf!

Introduction: Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “God has set eternity in the hearts of men.” This week Jarrod had an encounter with Jesus, where he was shown a small leaf, from a tree. Jesus said “This is your life on earth”. Then Jesus showed him a large, expansive forest, that spread as far as the eye can see, and Jesus said “But this is your eternal life”.

In the bible Jesus said “Whosoever believes in the Son, will not perish, but have everlasting life”. We will indeed, live forever, and this knowledge completely changes how we live this life. Let’s look at just two areas today:

Firstly, A Million Years from Now, your current problems & choices seem different!

  1. Read Romans 6:22-23. Discuss how can having an eternal perspective can help put today’s problems into perspective? Talk through the four following difficulties and discuss how looking at them from an eternal context would help?
  • Sickness
  • Financial need
  • Bereavement
  • Fulfilment and purpose
  1. 2.     Read Matthew 19:28-30. In the light of eternity the need for a bigger house, TV, the best possible career or car might seem shallow. How does having a sense of eternity help us put these things into perspective?

The second area impacted by a sense of eternity is that this short time we have on earth, gives us an urgency to preach the Gospel in our lifetime.

  1. Read Daniel 12:2-3. This scripture shows that the decision made in life, affect the next life. Think about your family, friends, neighbours who don’t know God. How does all this make you feel about evangelism?
  2. Read Isaiah 61:1-3. Verse one says we are anointed to “Preach Good News to the poor”. What is the Good News? Out of the group, who can break the Good News down into the shortest possible phrase, or set of phrases, while retaining its full truth?
  3. 5.     The phrase “preach the good news” (vs 1) has many meanings in Hebrew. Discuss together how we might fulfil each of these meanings:
  • Support the good news”. How can we do this?
  • Announce the Good news” How can we do this?
  • Transmit the good news” How can we do this?
  • Publish the good news” How can we do this?
  • Show the good news” How can we do this?

The scripture also says we do the following:

  • “Bind up the broken hearted” How can we do this?
  • “Proclaim freedom for the captives” How can we do this?
  • “Comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion (The Church or literally Israel) ” How can we do this?
  • “To bring beauty instead of ashes” How can we do this?
  • “A garment of praise instead of despair” How can we do this?


  1. Of the ways to share the Gospel above, are there any new ways you would personally like to be involved in, to share the good news this coming year? Discuss among yourselves.
  2. What fears do people have with regards sharing the good news with others? Discuss the fears and how you might overcome them.

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