Revive Stories (Paperback) BUY 10 copies for £40


Studying in a small group is one of the great ways to grow in God and a powerful way to grow church unity. Below are our book and video based courses for you to put your small group through, great discounts on multiple book purchases and even a high quality free course:

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Stories are powerful, and the “Revive Stories Course” is built around incredible stories of lives touched, changed and used in amazing ways in 21st century Britain. The course takes participants through 6 sessions of amazing stories about growing in the areas of miracles, transformed lives, financial provision, destiny, revivals and powerful moves of God. The handbook for this course is full of eyewitness testimonies from everyday people who are experiencing miraculous and remarkable touches of heaven in their lives today.

This course will help you build a powerful revival culture in your group or church, by inspiring participants and growing faith for God to move among you.

COURSE TYPE: This is a book based course, where each small group member has a copy of the book, and reads a chapter a week, then gathers to discuss and pray together.

DURATION: 6 Weeks (or 6 sessions)

COST: £40 for 10 books.

About the book

Stories are powerful. Now, in and of themselves, the stories are simple. They are eyewitness testimonies, written by Christians from around Hull and East Yorkshire, and in a few cases, friends from further afield. Each eye witness account tells a story that simply shows that God is alive and well in this little corner of England, that prayer works, that Christianity is more than mere theory and that normal people can have access to a supernatural God, who longs to be involved in our lives. In essence, each story says “I had this problem. I asked God to help. He helped me!” – and when you read what some people are saying God does when we pray, I think you will be flabbergasted, or in local vernacular, gob-smacked! Maybe you’ve never thought that local doctors, school teachers, solicitors, council workers, young mums and counsellors are praying and asking God for miracles – but they are! In fact, it’s very common in 21st century England!

BUY 10 copies for £40 saving you £10.

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